Having Trouble Breathing And What Can Be Done About It

It is one of the most common things that individuals experience in their lifetime and can strike at any moment - the feeling of not being able to breathe. There are a great number of different causes for this feeling and it really depends on what your physician has diagnosed you with. However, many times the most common health condition that can cause one to feel like they can not breathe is asthma. Asthma is a condition that has plagued our society for generations and it has always been quite difficult to deal with. What makes it particularly hard is the fact that it can occur at anytime without warning.

As a result, you could be enjoying your favorite activities and then suddenly you are stricken with the feeling that you can not breathe and area gasping for air. Although this health issue has been diagnosed for centuries, however the treatments for it have become markedly better in the past couple of years. The first step that occurred was actually the advent of asthma medication with the potency to immediately stop symptoms and open the airway passages. Such medication as Albuterol are typically what has led the market and physicians have been recommending it for years.

However, the most recent innovation that has truly changed the asthma landscape has been the nebulizer machine. This device is something that is made specifically for the purpose of taken medication like Albuterol and transforming it into mist form so that it can be breathed in by the patient. The whole purpose and benefit have transforming it into mist form is because of the fact that when in vapor form it can be easily breathed in by the individual and absorbs far more quickly into the system.

One of the most common situations that arises is actually the feeling of not being able to breathe by children. A child may be playing on the playground and then suddenly you notice that they are gasping for air. This is a very common scenario and is what leads parents to utilize prescription medicine in order to combat the symptoms. Physicians tend to recommend using pediatric nebulizer devices when it comes to children because they are made in a way that is more child-friendly than the average device. As a result it is far more effective and works quickly to relieve the difficult symptoms that can occur at any moment.

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Pedometer - Step Counting To Better Health And Fitness

It's the inherent trait of the human nature to be on the move. Out forefathers millions of years ago were the hunters and nothing short of the fiercest predator around. This logic applies to the present day man as well. We are still ruthless in our approach. It goes the same for people associated with any kind of profession. You might be an athlete, a CEO of a top company or even a clerk at the post office. No one wants to draw the short straw and deviate from the path of success and job stability. It is therefore of utmost importance that we stay fit and fine all around the clock.

We all have heard the wise saying that health is wealth and it is indeed very true. It is only by staying fit that we can rely on our instincts to take the correct decisions at all important and crucial junctures of our lives. What's better than to have a pedometer, a simple device which will help you out during your daily regimen of working out?

It is a very well known fact that not all of us can afford the time and energy to visit the gym at a regular basis, but the staying fit bug seems to have bitten a fairly large population all around the world. Maybe you are one of those who do not find it necessary to hit the gym at regular basis but do your part to stay fit by taking regular jogs or morning walks through the neighborhood park.

So what is actually a pedometer? A pedometer is actually a device that can be worn as wrist watches or can even be attached to the leg muscles. This device is a step counter and it measures the number of steps taken by you. It is one of the important tools that you require while you are sweating it our trying to stay fit. The pedometer is also beneficial as it can be used to mark out the course, the distance that you will be traveling and the level of activity. It is like the extension of the human body that will give you the precise details of the effort that you will be putting in regularly to stay fit.

Fitness is major big concern right now for everyone residing at all the corners of the world. Of late it is really tragic the way people are falling ill and growing fat owing to the absence of adequate rest and a balanced diet. It is quite a true fact that our daily lives are responsible and the hectic schedule that we are in for daily takes it's toll leaving us without rest and making us unfit. It is therefore very important that we do our bit for our own body and the pedometer will be like a friend letting you know about the endeavors that you have put in and the levels that you need to push yourself to achieve weight loss and high fitness levels.

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Assess Your Own Fitness Level

Your pulse or heart rate is what will form the basis of your level of exercise intensity for your aerobic conditioning.
Maximal rate (MHR) is the highest rate a person can attain during heavy exercise. To work at this maximum rate is both dangerous and unnecessary, so we work to a specific formulae (known as the Karvonen Formulae) which is 220 - your age.
As we age our maximum heart rate becomes lower, so it is of even greater importance to monitor the rate of an older person, as it is for an un-conditioned or un-fit person. All work performed will be at a percentage of your maximum rate as shown below. Your resting heart rate (RHR) is the rate at which your heart beats per minute when at rest.
Example for a 40 year old
220 - 40 (age) = 180 (MHR)
For an un-fit or overweight person I am recommending that we begin working at 70% of your maximum rate, i.e: 126 BPM.
I find an easy way of working out your percentage (without a calculator) is to simply divide the 180 (MHR) and the percentage by 10 and multiply e.g:
70% of 180 = 7 times 18 = 126
50% of 180 = 5 times 18 = 90
A wonderful tool to utilize, particularly when you are starting out is a Heart Rate Monitor. These are available at all good sports stores and a decent one will set you back about $200. Otherwise calculate your rate by counting your pulse rate over 15 seconds and multiply by 4 for one minute. At the wrist with index and middle fingers (not your thumb).
Setting and continually attaining your goals is what keeps you on track. Now we are going to do some basic fitness assessment tests of which are great to give you an idea of your ability and limitations at this early stage. Make sure you keep a record of each test so you can compare notes at regular intervals.

RESTING HEART RATE Have a clock with a second hand next to your bed. On waking take your pulse at the wrist either for 15 seconds multiplied by 4 or for the full minute. This is your resting heart rate. This is a good habit to get into as it helps you to become more confident in taking your heart rate at other times and it can be very motivating to see your rate dropping as you become fitter. It is nice to know the old heart doesn't have to work so hard as it used to.

Find a step approx 45cm high and fairly solid to comfortably take your weight when standing freely on it. With your watch or clock in view, begin stepping up and down from the step, left foot up, left foot down, right foot up, right foot down for 5 minutes at a reasonable pace. On completion immediately take your heart rate at 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes (recording times) Doing this test at a later date will show a much lower heart rate proving your increasing fitness and aerobic capacity.

ABDOMINAL STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE Laying on the floor with knees up and arms straight out in the horizontal position, lift your shoulders off the ground in a crunch position until your wrists cover your knees. Do as many as you can in one minute, or 30 seconds if this is not possible. Through your pilates and yoga moves later on you will notice huge improvements in your core-strength.

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Be Very Healthy Using These Lifestyle Changes

If your goal is to remain wholesome by keeping yourself in great shape it does not have to be hard. Truthfully, for the most part, keeping yourself in good health involves little more than doing a few things on a regular basis. Do not be like the people who wait around getting woefully out of shape or are dealing with a critical illness before they decide to find out how to return to their previous level of health.
Staying in shape or keeping healthy does not need to be such a challenge. All it takes is to adopt a couple of good habits. Several small habits you can learn for increasing your health, will greatly benefit your health. A couple of times each week, you should be eating fish. This can be tuna fish for lunch or some type of fish for dinner. Omega-3 acids are vitally important for health and it can be found abundantly found in fish.
By getting into the habit of eating fish you can prevent the development of many different diseases including heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Many people do not like fish or are allergic to it, so they can get the same benefits by taking omega-3 fish oil capsules.
Something that you probably never heard before is that humming can help your hearing. When you are humming, a muscle inside the ear canal is triggered, and it helps keep other sounds from getting in. If you attend a loud event, you should avoid other loud things for a day or more. Human ears are vulnerable to loud sounds for days after the initial exposure to the noise.
Another habit to change is to do your exercises standing up, especially when you are doing weight training. Working out and lifting weights while standing up causes your abdominal muscles to support your spine, which will keep you in a good upright position. This makes sure that your abdominal muscles get a good workout while you are lifting weight.
Another small improvement you can make for your health is to invest in a Sonicare toothbrush. The leading brand of electric toothbrushes that you can buy is probably Sonicare. It may cost a lot of money, but the investment is well worth it for your dental care. It not only thoroughly cleans your teeth but it uses sonic waves to drive out plaque from between your teeth. Since this is sort of like flossing, a Sonicare toothbrush is great for people who do not like to floss.
There a many small changes that you can make to better your health. Whether that means humming while you work, or getting a better toothbrush, or even investing in earplugs, excellent health is waiting for you. It actually boils down to you making wise decisions in the little things each and every day.

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Best Place To Buy Medical Devices In 2011

It is without a doubt that the medical device industry has changed significantly. Many decades ago when you needed to purchase a device for home use you had to resort to buying it directly from a hospital. Then as that proved to be quite financially ineffective the pharmacies began to purchase in bulk and as a result offer the savings to customers. However, now there is a completely new realm of commerce which occurs completely online and the medical device market has been quick to embrace this new medium. Essentially, lets say that you were interested in purchasing a nebulizer for your home use in order to help with you respiratory condition like asthma or COPD. In the past you had to go to the pharmacy and purchase an expensive brand that took a hefty toll on your financial budget. However, now you can simply just go to a retailer site on the internet and within minutes get the exact device you need with the specifications you desire.

There are couple of reasons why this has proved to be extremely effective. Firstly, the convenience of having to never leave the comfort of your home lends greatly to those that either do not have the time to go out in the store or those that are elderly and are not able to go.
So going back to the nebulizer example, if you are an elderly individual with COPD and you are not able to drive to the store or wait in the long lines then you can simply go online, order, and in a few days you get the device delivered directly to you. The other benefit is the price factor. Because the online stores lack the overhead costs such as rent and utilities that comes with have a brick and mortar establishment they are able to offer the same products at a fraction of the cost. As a result it is not unusual to see savings in the neighborhood of 50% to 60% less than what you would typically find in a regular store environment. Also, most of these online distributors have dedicated technical and sales support lines that can answer so many questions that a typical store clerk in a pharmacy is not able to.
The ability to purchase from a store that specializes in a particular device you are looking for is far more appealing that to purchase from a pharmacy that also sells bubblegum and candy as well.

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How To Stay Healthy And Fit For The Rest of Your Life

Quite a big percentage of people answered that losing your job is a major reason for bankruptcy but these people do not know the real deal. It is not through job loss that makes a person totally broke - it is because of not being healthy and getting sick all the time; maybe because they are not aware of health tips that can change their lives in the long run.
Remember that when you are sick, you need to pay the doctor, you have to buy medicine and even go to the hospital if the physician requires you to. What if you do not have insurance? You need to pay for everything and you cannot work at the same time.
This is a fact. This is reality. Now, if you do not want to be bankrupt, all you have to be is in your very best physical shape. You must envelop yourself with a healthy way of living. Here are three important things for you to remember:
  1. Try to get your heart pumping by standing up from your office chair and do some moves. You can walk, jog on place, jump up and down, and go up and down the stairs - anything just to keep you in motion for at least 10 minutes straight, once or twice a day for starters. A lot of Americans forget about this and do not realize the importance of exercising. This may be one of the most used health tips in the book but it really is true. You do not have to enroll in a posh gym just to get the exercise you need. You can do your body activity even at work. You can also exercise comfortably in your own home. Bring the radio volume up and dance to your heart's delight! You do not need to spend 2-3 hours of daily workout straight. A series of 10 minute continuous movements will do the job.
  2. You also have to eat sensibly. It does not have to be a drastic cut back all of sudden. Little changes like cutting out your dessert from 3 times a day to once will go a very long way. You have to follow the food pyramid, as well. Eating small meals, 6 to 8 times a day or roughly every 3 hours is much better than eating 3 full courses in 24 hours. With constant eating, your metabolism is always burning to produce energy and is burned. This keeps your blood sugar normal which is a very good way of healthy eating.
  3. The food you eat may not contain every nutrient you need to keep your body going. You must have a health supplement to keep you balanced. There are a number of health products offered by various companies which are complete in one tablet or capsule. This will be very beneficial for you.
Love yourself. It is never too late to start with these health tips. Do these now and you will see positive changes in your life - health and money-wise.

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How to Get a Perfect Body

We'd all like a perfect body and getting that body can be near impossible without the right advice. A perfect body not only improves self confidence but can really change your life. Many of my personal training clients come to me with an idea of how they would like their body to look-and I've never failed to help anybody who really wants to change. If you are prepared to make lifestyle and dietary changes- you can get a perfect body too.

How to get a good body with lifestyle, mind and dietary changes-
First of all you have to have a clear image in your mind of what you'd like your body to look like. Whether this is super skinny, lean and muscular, muscular or even just a smaller belly. A clear picture in your mind enables you to set some goals to strive towards and keep you focused when times get hard- and they will don't think it will be an easy ride!
I often have my personal training clients visualise their perfect body each day and imagine stepping into that body and in their mind visualising how it would feel, be and how people would react to them. Unless it is real in your mind- your body will not follow. I am a strong believer in visualisation and know from experience it works. You have to practise every day though- just set aside five minutes and experience what it will be like when you achieve that perfect body.
Then you have to set about making some lifestyle changes. How to get a perfect body with exercise depends entirely on your goals. If you are after a more muscular look then you'll have to be in the gym (or at home if you have decent enough facilities) lifting 3-4 times per week. If you're after a leaner fitter look then I'd advise cardio style circuits, incorporating kettlebells, bodyweight drills, plyometrics (if you're up to a decent level) and light jogging. Good instruction is essential and well worth the money. Don't just start with the first trainer you find- make sure the personal trainer has at least 5 years experience and ask to see some of their previous client history or they really won't know how to get you a perfect body and may hinder your progress and waste time and money.

Lastly how to get a perfect body is with nutrition. Good nutrition is key with achieving a good body. Even if you're training everyday you won't notice good results unless your nutrition is in top condition. Of course depending on your goals your nutrition will vary drastically. If you're looking to lean up the primal way of dieting is very successful- this follows the way our ancestors dating back to pre farming used to eat. It is low in carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, grains and high in fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and meat. If you're looking to gain size then a high carbohydrate diet is recommended with high protein consumption. The body will now grow if carbohydrates are too low- period!
For more in depth advice please follow my personal trainer brighton link below.

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Diet Plans Vs Weight Loss Pills

Just to set the record straight. Er' indoors asked me to publish this article as I have no idea about diets and weight loss. 'She who should be obeyed' and her friends have spent years on different diets trying to lose weight, and feels it would be a good idea to give her views and opinions on the subject. And seeing as she does not know one end of the computer from the other, she has asked me to do it for her.

So here goes. Over the years my' better half' has tried many different diet plans, the names of which I can't recall. This is not to say that they did not work just that some of them worked better than others. She feels that this was not down to the diet plans themselves but down to her determination and willpower. She says that she 'couldn't live on rabbit food and yoghurt and go around starving all day'.

With this in mind about 7-8 months ago she got me to start surfing the Internet to research weight-loss products (believe me, that was a lot of research). After reading through 100's of sites she decided no more diets and definitely no exercise regimes (too time-consuming and too tiring she said). She decided she was going to give weight loss pills try. Great I thought this is going to cost me a fortune (it did but not how I expected, more about that later)
After even more research, and a lot of deliberation and humming and arghing she decided on which weight-loss pills she wanted to try, and guess what, it was about the most expensive one on the market, but in saying that in all the research that we had carried out it constantly ranked as the number one product. The one she decided to go with was Proactol which is a fat binder and appetite suppressant, and what really made up my wife's mind was the fact that it is made completely from natural ingredients, and has no side effects. I won't bore you with all the details. If you would like to find out more go to.

She ordered 6 months supply and off she went. She found that she was only losing a couple of lbs per week. At first she was not happy with this as she is the type of person that likes everything to happen yesterday, I convinced her that losing a few lbs per week was better than losing it all in one go, eventually she agreed with me for once and persevered with the pills. What I did find though, was that it was working at quite expensive, not through the price of the pills but the cost of the Vet bill, let me explain. 'Er' indoors' loved the fact that taking these pills meant that she could eat normally and not have to live on rabbit food, but the thing that she forgot at the beginning was the appetite suppressant, and when she was making meals she was given herself normal portions and consequently she was leaving a lot of food. This is normally not a problem because we always give the leftovers to the dogs, but the amount of leftovers that they got meant that they got fat and a visit to the vet was required to put them on a diet (and diet dog food is bloody expensive)

Anyway, to cut a long story short it's been 6 months now. The dogs are on diets, the wife's dropped 2 dress sizes (and is as happy as a pig in s**t) and I'm skint (but at least I can surf the net about something interesting now). The wife is happy with her size and weight and has just ordered another 6 month supply of Proactol so that she can maintain the weight she is at.
I will let my wife have the final say on the subject (as I always do). She says 'diets are good but the biggest weapon you have got when you are on a diet is your own willpower. If you haven't got the willpower your diet will never work. When you are on weightloss pills willpower isn't as much of an important issue providing you remember to take your pills when you are supposed to, you can eat all the things you normally eat and you will lose weight. I am very happy with the results I have achieved and I would recommend Proactol to anybody that asked my opinion, and now I would not use anything else. I know that they are not magic pills and you still have to eat the right normal foods, but compared to the work required for a normal diet or exercise regime the work required for weight loss pills is minimal So to sum it up Diet Plans will work with willpower and determination but my winner is definitely weight loss pills.

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How to Live a Balanced Lifestyle

Nowadays with busy work schedules, overtime work, deadlines, further/extra studies, kids, rising petrol prices, inflation, social obligations, house chores, mortgage repayments, etc, it is getting harder and harder for many people to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. Many of us end up disregarding our physical, mental and emotional well being just to ensure we stay on top of things (or so we think) and that the bills are paid for, our project deadlines are met, our kids go to private schools, etc.
What many people fail to consider is: What is the point of doing all of this if you're not going to enjoy and live a happy life?
Living a balanced lifestyle is the key to ensuring that you can have time for yourself, your work, your friends, your family and time to enjoy life and the people and things around you. Admittedly, achieving one is easier said than to be done. But if you are discipline and really try to challenge yourself, you will get there and you would never want to look back.
To help you along your journey, I have listed out some simple tips and ways to go about balancing your life, work and commitments.
1. Indulge in yourself
By indulging and taking care of yourself, this can significantly reduce your stress levels and clear your mind so that you're in a better frame of mind to tackle any issues, problems and unexpected challenges that pop up along the way. Reduction of stress is important as high levels of stress have been shown to significantly impact negatively on one's mental and emotional health. Hence, as part of a balanced lifestyle, activities that are stress-reducing are important and I have listed out a few ideas to get you started.
  • If you have the money and time, go for a massage or spa to pamper yourself. There is nothing better than having a professional masseuse nut out all the knots on your back and shoulders. You will feel energized and rejuvenated after an hour's long indulgence.
  • Get up slightly earlier in the morning and take your time to use the bathroom, brush your hair, stretch and apply your make up (if you use make up) before everyone else wakes up. The few extra minutes of quietness in the morning can be extremely therapeutic and relaxing before the day really begins.
  • Savor your breakfast and cup of coffee/tea. If you don't normally have breakfast, this should be the very first thing you change. Eating breakfast is extremely important as it has health and energy benefits and can help increase concentration and assist in weight loss. So in the morning when you're eating your food, chew slowly on it, sip your coffee and really appreciate the taste and aroma. Sometimes, it is the simple pleasures in life that can really make the long day ahead seem much more manageable.
  • If you're time-constrained and your hobbies include things like running, playing angry birds on your iPhone, going for a walk, reading a good book, listening to music, knitting, making craft, etc. Do this during your lunch break. If you have something due soon but you feel your brain is fried, take that break (even if it is just for half and hour) and engage in an activity you love. It will give your brain a chance to relax and re-energise so that by the time you hit your work desk again, you would be in a more optimum and efficient mindset to tackle your work.
  • If you absolutely cannot afford to take a 30 min break, lean back on your chair, close your eyes and zone out for 5 - 10 mins. Daydream about positive things such as the amazing dinner you're going to be having tonight, the dinner you have scheduled to see your best friend or the weekend coming up. Think happy thoughts and when you open your eyes, straighten your posture, smile and get back to work. You will be surprise at how simple things can really boost your energy, approach and motivation.
2. Take care of your body
Since we take time to indulge in ourselves, as part of a balanced lifestyle, we must also take time to care for ourselves. Caring for ourselves and our body involves eating a balanced diet and being active (ie. exercise). Approaching this with a positive can-do attitude will also make things a lot easier, and in combination with these ideas, you will be on your way to achieving a balanced lifestyle in no time.
Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Remember this phase: "Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness" (Edward Stanley). The reason why eating well is so essential for a balanced lifestyle is because having a balanced diet will ensure that your body is functioning well, you have more energy for your day and you will have a lower chance of falling sick or developing any illnesses/diseases. There are a million and one things that could go wrong if you continuously indulge in an unhealthy diet but it is outside the scope of this article. If you're interested and would like to read up more on it, I would recommend you to read up on how to achieve a balanced diet
  • Ensure that your home is always stocked with ready to eat fruits and vegetables so you can quickly grab them as you head out of your house to begin your day
  • Plan ahead so you always know roughly what you're going to be eating for your meals. This reduces the chance of you wanting to have take-away food and unhealthy home deliveries.
  • During your afternoon tea break/5 min break from your work, Google some healthy, easy to make recipes. There are a million of recipes out there and looking and the pictures will guarantee not only to relax you, but to also get you pumped and excited to try out your new dish at dinner tonight.
  • 3 meals a day. Especially breakfast. Enough said.
  • Eat in moderation. And this does mean enjoying the occasional cake, KFC meal, Big Mac or pizza delivery when you feel that you have been treating your body right for the majority of the time! Remember, we are not going on a diet; we are aiming to have a lifestyle change which means no strict diets or regime. Just honest good ways to live a little healthier and enjoy a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Don't follow the crowd: If your workmates or friends around you love to eat fried foods, take-away and unhealthy meals, you don't have to follow them! Recognise that you can be healthier than the people around you and enjoy looking after yourself.
Exercise is not only a fantastic way to reduce stress, it is great for the waist line, your skin, mental health and ensuring that your bodily functions are at their optimum. If you're "too busy" for exercise, schedule it like how you will schedule your other work appointments and social events. By committing it down on your calendar, you are more likely to stick with it and be motivated to do it. Make sure that the exercise is something you love to do. So for example, if you don't like running or hitting the gym, go for a bike ride instead. Or try something new like dancing, zumba, rock climbing, etc. Be creative! There are so many other options out there besides hitting the gym.
3. Prioritise your life
To enjoy a balanced lifestyle, you need to manage all aspects of your life: Work, health, fitness, relationships, family and mental well-being. However, realistically, it can get unbelievably hard to manage all aspects of this and become bogged down with one aspect (ie. work) and ignore the rest (ie. your diet or time spent with your loved ones). Therefore, it is vital that you take some steps and tips to ensure you maintain on top of things so that you can enjoy all areas of your life.
  • Be forward thinking and organized
  • Plan and think ahead at the start of each week to assess what events are coming up. Make sure you dedicate adequate time to finishing up your work and assign quality time for yourself; this includes scheduling time for exercise, social events and "Me-time". A good trick to do is to overestimate the amount of time you need to complete a task (ie. if you realistically think it will take 3 hours to finish a report, estimate that it will take 4 hours instead), this will ensure you have more than enough time to deliver high quality work, spend high quality time with your friends and yourself. If the task/event took lesser time than budgeted, you now have some extra spare time that you can use to either start on the next task, have a break, or catch up with your friends!
  • Expect the unexpected and the worst case scenario
  • Things unfortunately do not always go according to plan, and when this happens, many of us end up stressing over it and start doing things that may not be healthy to your body and mental well-being. By expecting the worst case scenario, you can actively take steps to ensure that that scenario doesn't take place or that you have a Plan B ready should anything go wrong. This is also another reason why overestimating the amount of time you need to complete a task is very useful as it provides you with a time buffer to fix anything should things not work out the way you planned.
4. Be contented and disciplined
When you're contented, you can actually properly enjoy every moment of your life and savor the things that are important to you. Many people get caught up in the whole materialistic world which can drive them to work more and more hours which consequently impacts negatively on their health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships with their love ones. It is important to distinguish between a want and a need because lets face it, most of the time, we do not really NEED that new BMW car, we just want it for superficial reasons. Again prioritising what is important to you (because everyone is different) is important as you will be able to have a holistic view on what is important and what you need to work and aim for.
As with everything (especially at the start), living a balanced lifestyle can be challenging to achieve as it requires you to change your current lifestyle. Being disciplined and committed is so important in ensuring that you permanently and sustainably having a healthy diet, an exercise routine and enough time for your work, your love ones and yourself. Start off with planning your calendar and diary and make sure you look at it everyday and stick with it. Doing it with a friend that is equally or more motivated is also a great idea as you can both motivate each other and start doing things together (ie. healthy cooking or exercise activities).
5. Do something you find meaningful in your spare time
Happiness comes from achieving a positive sense of well being and achievement, and this can occur from developing relationships with people. When we believe that we have helped another person in a certain way, chemicals in our brain actually react and make us feel good about ourselves in a selfless kind of way. Meaningful ways to spend your time include volunteering at the local dogs shelter or elderly homes, or visiting a friend in hospital, or going to see your grandparents/parents that you haven't seen for a while, or catching up with a friend that you know is going through a hard time, or assisting the new colleague of yours in finishing up his project. There are countless of meaningful activities that you could be doing and enjoying in your spare time. Remember, the meaning of life is to live a life of purpose and you can only get the most out of your life if you can manage all aspects of your life that are important to you.

I hope this article has been useful to you and all the best!
~Regina Cheah
Regina Cheah is a full time professional banker in Melbourne Australia who strongly believes in the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and helping people to achieve one. Even with a busy hectic schedule, she ensures that she lives and breathes healthy eating and active living by following some simple steps and ideas.
Visit her health site at www.youroptihealthsite.com. It is now yours too.

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Senior Fitness - How To Avoid Falls

As you begin to get older there are several things that you are more prone to, and unfortunately falls are one of them. The leading cause of death and injury in over 65 year olds is from falls, and this alarming rate is on the increase. The seniors that experience these falls can suffer from a huge number of different injuries. They may experience everything from mild sprains to severe broken bones, and head injuries. Although some falls are unavoidable, others can be evaded if you are physically fit and active.

Some older people feel there is no point in exercising, and that it is too late in their life to begin. However, this is untrue and any senior person can begin an exercise routine to suit their fitness level. No matter what exercise is carried out it will be beneficial to you, and hopefully, you can avoid a fall in the future. Even seniors that are disabled will be able to carry out some form of exercise routine. There are many different exercise programmed designed to suit everyone no matter what your disability is.

As well as a good exercise program, a balanced diet will also help you to remain healthy. Taking vitamin D has also been proved to help with falling over in senior people, and for some people this is easy to achieve. Your body will produce vitamin D by itself when you are outside in the sunshine, so if you are lucky to live in sunny climates you will benefit from going outside. Whilst you are outside you can begin to complete some of the basic balance training exercises designed to reduce the risk of falling over. Tai Chi, dancing and balancing on one foot will also help you to train your balance.

Strengthening your legs is also very important as many seniors spend longer sitting down their legs will become weaker. Basic exercises can be done three times a week for as little as 20 minutes a session. If you are fortunate enough to be a member of a gym, there are many pieces of different equipment that you can use. Asking the staff to show you the correct method of training will enable you to be taught the correct way to strengthen your legs.

If you are not keen on joining the gym or an exercise class something as simple as walking can help to strengthen your legs. Walking to the shops daily will stretch your legs, and help you to remain active. Even if you need to use a stick or frame the simple motion of walking can really help you in so many different ways. No matter how old you are, there is still a great deal of life left in you, and by keeping mobile and active, you can ensure that you remain healthy.

The basic exercise routine that you participate in with helps you to avoid disease, ill health and falls. As well as exercise and balance training you should ensure that you get a good night sleep, and have regular checkups. Both your ears and eyes will need testing regularly to ensure that they are not causing your unbalance. Once you are cleared to exercise you will love the freedom of movement it allows you, and you will feel so much younger.

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Top Ten Women's Health Tips

 Top Ten Health Tips For Women
As you may have noticed, there are lots of things that you need to consider when trying to stay fit and healthy. More often than not this mass of information becomes overwhelming and most people start off with good intentions but give up in the long run, slipping back to old ways and habits. To help you maintain that healthy lifestyle, below are the top ten things you should be doing to keep yourself healthy and happy. 

1) When trying to keep to a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to consider is your diet. A good balanced diet is essential in maintaining a healthy body. Remember, 'rubbish in = rubbish out'. Eating junk food, fatty food and other convenience foods will result in a feeling of lethargy, tiredness, depression and bad complexion just to name a few. Simple changes to make would be avoiding too much red meat, high fat foods and high calorie foods instead substituting this with high fibre low fat food, mixed with a regular intake of fruit and vegetables. Fibre is great for digestion whilst fruit and vegetables will help keep vitamin and mineral levels up. 

2) Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. One of the risks of not drinking enough water is the onset of kidney stones. If you know anybody who has had kidney stones, you'll know this is to be avoided! Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated which in the long run will help you cleanse your body of impurities. You will start to feel more alert and less tired, you may notice your skin improves with a new radiance. If you are lactating, it is vital that you keep well hydrated to ensure your milk is at its best. Most research suggests that eight glasses of water per day is a minimum. 

3) Consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements, especially at the beginning of your new healthy schedule. Some of the more important ones specific to women are Calcium and Iron. Calcium is essential for women of all ages but especially menopausal women to ensure good bone strength and minimise problems from onset of Osteoporosis. Iron supplements are especially important for menstruating women and women who suffer heavier blood loss during that time of the month. Vitamin E400 is worth taking as this has been shown to reduce flushes and sweating at night. For the skin, consider Vitamin E as as a dietary supplement.

4) If you smoke, GIVE UP!! Yes, I know that is much easier said than done but any reduction in the amount that you smoke will be beneficial. If you find the idea of giving up a step too far why not try cutting down? A great way to cut down is to try and extend the time between your cigarettes. If you can maintain this, you will gradually start to smoke less without feeling the withdrawals as much. If you are pregnant, then smoking is a big 'NO-No'. The toxins in a cigarette can cross from the mothers bloodstream and into the baby. Also your chance of breast cancer is much higher if you are a smoker. Overall reducing alcohol and smoking less are great ways to a healthier happier life.

5) Try and introduce a regular exercise into your daily routine. There are simple ways to get exercise without really trying. You could try walking home from work if it's not too far, don't take the elevator all the time - try using the stairs. When your kids are outside playing, take a few minutes to go and play with them. Not only will you be getting fit but you'll be spending more time with your children. Everyone wins! Yoga is also a great way to stay toned and supple. This can be done in the home with a minimal investment in equipment. There is lots of free info. on the internet related to yoga. A simple cheap way to stay healthy.

6) Try and avoid sources of stress. Stressful situations whether at home or at work can leave you with excess amounts of adrenaline and other 'fight or flight' by-products. These can affect heart muscle, upset sleep patterns causing insomnia and much more. Exercise can help to burn off some of these stress by-products but any high stress situations should be avoided.

7) A lot of women are a sucker for a good suntan but there are hidden dangers. Recent research has indicated that over exposure to sunlight and sun tanning beds could increase your chances of skin cancer by up to 30%. A lot of the damage is done in younger life and may not show for years. Simple ways to avoid danger would be to use high factor sun creams, don't lie out in direct sunlight, consider using a tanning cream and avoid those nasty UV rays altogether.

8) Make sure you attend regular smear tests and ensure you visit your Gynaecologist on a regular basis. A lot of 'womens' problems' can be detected in the early stages and treated accordingly. Cervical cancer, chlamydia and Warts are just a few of them. Avoiding your Gynaecologist is akin to playing Russian roulette!!

9) Make sure you practice safe sex. STD's can be easily transmitted and even a long term partner could be harbouring some unknown stowaways. Sexually transmitted diseases can lie dormant for years. Until you are 100% sure you and you're partner are free from STD's practicing safe sex is the best way to stay healthy.

10) An often overlooked area of personal health is dental hygiene. Not looking after your oral hygiene may result in gum disease, tooth loss, halitosis to name but a few. Keep regular appointments with your dental hygienist and make sure you floss regularly to keep a beautiful bright smile.

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Complete Your Own Fitness Assessment At Home!

To get anywhere, you need to know where you're starting from and when it comes to weight loss that means giving yourself a basic fitness assessment.
This can be depressing for most people because the results confirm what they have been avoiding: They're overweight, unfit, and at high risk of heart disease!
But these people a looking at it all wrong. Don't get depressed, get focused!
This could be one of the biggest turning points in your life. You can get fitter, you can rid yourself of fat, and you can reduce your risk of heart disease. And it doesn't take much work.
Just commitment!
Ok. Let's get into the Fitness Assessment. You will need a pen and some paper to write down your measurements, and a cloth measuring tape (like the ones used for sewing).Remember, you should use these results to measure yourself against every 6-8 weeks.
  • Take shoes and socks off.
  • Stand against wall with feet together.
  • Pull shoulders back and look straight ahead.
  • Place a book on top of your head (make sure that it touches the wall and is level).
  • Measure from bottom of book to floor.

This is the one everyone hates. Too much emphasis is placed on weight and it isn't an accurate measure of how much excess fat you carry. You can burn 10kg of fat but the scales only show you as 5kg lighter. It happens all the time. When you haven't exercised much and you start a regular program, it can be quite easy to put on a bit of muscle. So remember, your weight is only a measure of gravity (and gravity sucks!).
You should only weigh yourself every couple of weeks. You can measure your progress more accurately with the measuring tape.
  • Take shoes and socks off.
  • Stand on the scales with feet evenly spaced and weight evenly distributed over both feet.

Resting Heart Rate
This is the number of times that your heart beats, per minute, when totally rested. It's best to measure this when you first wake up.
  • Sit on a chair and use the first two fingers on your left hand to feel for your pulse on your right wrist. Your palm should be turned up, and you will feel it on the right side of the wrist.
  • Count how many beats you have in 60 seconds.
If your heart is healthy, it will be below 80 beats per minute. As you get fitter, your resting heart rate drops, which means that your heart doesn't have to work as hard. Your goal should be to reach 50-60 beats.
Girth Measurements
Measure your waist, stomach, and hips. Keep the tape measure firm. This is what you will measure your improvements against.
The measuring points can be found at these locations: 
  • Waist: This is the smallest place between your hips and your chest
  • Stomach: In line with your navel.
  • Hips: This is the biggest measurement at the pelvis.

Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index basically measures your level of fatness (I know, I just made that word up!).
It's calculated using the formula: BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters ) x ( Height in Meters ) ).
So if your height is 1.73 meters (173cm) and your weight is 90 kilograms, you would start by multiplying 1.73 * 1.73. This equals 2.99. Next you would divide that number into your weight (90).
Therefore, the formula would look like: 90 divided by 2.99 = 30.1!
If you don't use the metric system, use this formula: BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches ) x ( Height in inches ) ) x 703
Although a small amount of excess body fat (26-27) is not likely to be very harmful to the health of most people, having a BMI above 30 (obese) significantly increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis, and gall bladder disease. This is especially true for people who have excess fat in the abdominal area.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio
This measures your risk of heart attack. It does this by assessing body fat distribution. The closer the score is to 1.00, the higher the risk of heart disease. 

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A Stroke: What Is It?

When an artery becomes blocked or broken you will find that you are at risk for nerve damage and a stroke. It is a very common condition that will leave a person extremely disabled. This can cause your brain cells to die and it is not something that can be fixed or repaired. One of the most common types of strokes is known as the Ischemic stroke and it is caused by an artery. Depending on the individual, you may have different side effects from the stroke. It may not be too disabling, but it could also leave you completely crippled. It is important that you do everything that you can, to not end up having a stroke and that you will not have to deal with these types of disadvantages in life.
Did you know that the right and left side of the brain will control different sides of your body? The two sides control the opposite side of the body so if paralysis occurs it will likely only be to one half of your body. If you happen to have a stroke and it affects the right part of your brain you will lose your vision. One the other hand, strokes affecting the left side may cause speech problems as a result. Any brain cells that die will cause memory loss and paralysis that may affect parts of or the entire side of your body.
High cholesterol is the leading cause of having clogged arteries and that will cause you to have a stroke or a heart attack. It is also related directly to developing heart disease, which makes you susceptible to heart related problems, which include stroke and heart attack. The doctor that you go to will be able to test your cholesterol levels at any time in your life, but you should get it checked frequently once you become eighteen and older. Do not wait to get checked out. There is therefore need to maintain a proper balance in the ratio levels of L D L- Low Density Lipoprotein to H D L- High Density Lipoprotein, as will be discussed later.
Being overweight, smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and genetics can all be causes of elevated levels that may cause you harm. Also, to fight your chances of a stroke, you will want to use exercise and a diet to help you battle your high cholesterol. It may also be necessary to restrict your diet to get rid of sugars and saturated fats because they can cause elevated levels of bad cholesterol. You may also want to ask your doctor about certain medications that you can take to control your cholesterol.
Heart disease, unfortunately does not give advance warning signs, so one can prevent it. It only becomes apparent when it is too late or almost too late to do something about it. We, however, need to be especially careful if there is a past family history of heart disease and be wary of the risk factors. The major risk factors as stated above are divided into two categories: Primary and Secondary.
Primary risk factors include;
• Being overweight or obese.
• Cigarette smoking.
• High Blood Pressure condition or Hypertension.
• High Blood Cholesterol Levels.
Secondary risk factors include;
• Lack of exercise and an inactive lifestyle.
• Excessive intake of alcoholic drinks.
• Sugar Disease or Diabetes.
• H D L - density lipoprotein-Cholesterol Low Levels.
• In females, use of contraceptives with oestrogen content.
• A Stressful Lifestyle.
Finally friends and family should encourage that you go see a doctor periodically so that you can avoid the horrors of a stroke. You will want to get annual and regular checkups to see if you are at risk of a stroke or heart disease. With the high cholesterol, you will be at risk of a stroke and you will need to be kept under strict observation and control to help prevent this disease from afflicting you.

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Hemorrhoids - Prevention And Treatment

Suffering from hemorrhoids can be very painful and disturbing. There are lots of causes for hemorrhoids it could be from having chronic constipation, straining or diarrhea. Pregnant women as well as old people are very prone to this condition. Also, being overweight can cause hemorrhoids as this will inflame the rectum. So, if you're suffering from hemorrhoids, it is better to treat it as early as possible
There are lots of natural treatments for hemorrhoids. Applying crushed ice placed in a baggie wrapped in a clean cloth can be applied to the affected area, you can leave it on for 15 minutes every hour. This could stop minimize the swelling since ice when applied on the skin helps contract our blood vessels, this could also relieve the pain.
Below are other effective treatment methods for hemorrhoids.
  1. You can opt for surgery; the affected part will be removed. This treatment is known as Hemorrhoidectory.
  2. Take foods that are rich in fiber like vegetables since it helps loosen up the waste during bowel movement.
  3. Another treatment option is through ligation. This is a process in which the hemorrhoid is wrapped by a material to block blood circulation in this area.
  4. Another option is to inject a chemical in the affected area which could shrink the hemorrhoids.
  5. You can also apply Aloe vera in the inflamed area to reduce the pain and the swelling.
To prevent hemorrhoids you must keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water everyday. This will also allow you to have easy bowel movement. One of the causes of hemorrhoids is sitting in one place for a long period of time. It is advisable to take some breaks from sitting from time to time.
Another factor that can also cause hemorrhoids is your lifestyle. Stress, smoking and lack of exercise are amongst those unhealthy lifestyle that my cause hemorrhoids. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to help avoid hemorrhoids. If you already are suffering from hemorrhoids eating them would help prevent the hemorrhoids to get worst.
One symptom of hemorrhoids is having an itchy feel in the affected area. Be sure not to scratch it as this could lead to swelling and bleeding to the affected area. You must have a proper hygiene especially in your body's sensitive area which includes the anus.
In case your suffering from severe hemorrhoids, it is better to talk to a doctor. Prevention is always better than cure, therefore eat nutritious foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid having hemorrhoids.

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