Quite a big percentage of people answered that losing your job is a major reason for bankruptcy but these people do not know the real deal. It is not through job loss that makes a person totally broke - it is because of not being healthy and getting sick all the time; maybe because they are not aware of health tips that can change their lives in the long run.
Remember that when you are sick, you need to pay the doctor, you have to buy medicine and even go to the hospital if the physician requires you to. What if you do not have insurance? You need to pay for everything and you cannot work at the same time.
This is a fact. This is reality. Now, if you do not want to be bankrupt, all you have to be is in your very best physical shape. You must envelop yourself with a healthy way of living. Here are three important things for you to remember:
- Try to get your heart pumping by standing up from your office chair and do some moves. You can walk, jog on place, jump up and down, and go up and down the stairs - anything just to keep you in motion for at least 10 minutes straight, once or twice a day for starters. A lot of Americans forget about this and do not realize the importance of exercising. This may be one of the most used health tips in the book but it really is true. You do not have to enroll in a posh gym just to get the exercise you need. You can do your body activity even at work. You can also exercise comfortably in your own home. Bring the radio volume up and dance to your heart's delight! You do not need to spend 2-3 hours of daily workout straight. A series of 10 minute continuous movements will do the job.
- You also have to eat sensibly. It does not have to be a drastic cut back all of sudden. Little changes like cutting out your dessert from 3 times a day to once will go a very long way. You have to follow the food pyramid, as well. Eating small meals, 6 to 8 times a day or roughly every 3 hours is much better than eating 3 full courses in 24 hours. With constant eating, your metabolism is always burning to produce energy and is burned. This keeps your blood sugar normal which is a very good way of healthy eating.
- The food you eat may not contain every nutrient you need to keep your body going. You must have a health supplement to keep you balanced. There are a number of health products offered by various companies which are complete in one tablet or capsule. This will be very beneficial for you.
Love yourself. It is never too late to start with these health tips. Do these now and you will see positive changes in your life - health and money-wise.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelina_Chris |
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